The calculus of harm is the topic of this recent Interchange on “On Climate Change and Non-Human Animals” with philosopher and ethicist Jeff Sebo. Beasts’ Burdens But the history of human thinking is simply full…
Posts tagged interchange
Arts Interchange – This Little Mayberry: Will Johnson’s Hatteras Night, A Good Luck Charm
AUDIO LINK: This Little Mayberry: Will Johnson’s Hatteras Night Our show is “This Little Mayberry” and my guest is singer-songwriter and painter Will Johnson. Johnson might be best known as the lead singer of Centro-Matic…
WFHB’s Interchange: A Targeted Divide: Gunning Down the Bill of Rights
AUDIO: Gunning Down the Bill of Rights Today we begin a series of three programs on Guns in the USA we’re calling a A Targeted Divide. Our first show is “Gunning Down the Bill of…
UPDATED: Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs, Oh My!
I watched American Sniper (prepping for an interview with Clint Eastwood biographer Patrick McGilligan tomorrow on Interchange) and there is a bit of “warrior philosophy” to give our hero motivation near the beginning of the…
The Tyranny of Technological Replication
I’m never sure how I can defend a critique against technology–it seems as though we have gained so much. And whenever I rant against drones or iPads (or the very device upon which I’m pecking)…
UPDATE! Coming Up on Interchange: “Later also headache”
The title of this post comes from Naomi Baron’s Words Onscreen which will serve as the basis of an upcoming Interchange program. “Later also headache” was a description given by a German respondent as to…
Proving the Need to Resist Government by Shadows
Last night on Interchange I talked with Scott Horton of Harper’s Magazine about government secrecy–more specifically the secrecy of “dark budgets” and “dark operations” and “dark lords”–inherent in the National Security State. [A Power Unto…
If You Really Want to Know the Truth: Salinger’s Influence on Mohamedou Ould Slahi
I am reading Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Guantánamo Diary. Well, actually, listening to it. You can find out a lot about it at The Guardian website dedicated to it. Something I heard and noticed I have…
Refuse Thy Name
Last night on WFHB’s Interchange I hosted a discussion about Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. You can download the podcast here: Interchange – The Prick of Noon: Romeo & Juliet. I believe that, after Hamlet, it is…
Serving the Word
It might have been but a deception of the vapours, but, the longer the stranger was watched, the more singular appeared her manoeuvres. “Benito Cereno” by Herman Melville In a recent scholarly biography of Louis…