Does it never occur to so many folks that monotheism–belief in an authoritarian ruler (male, though I don’t suppose Gee Oh Dee needs genitalia)–is the locus of totalitarianism? Furthermore, Judaism–as Christianity and Islam would later…
Posts tagged totalitarianism
The Chaos of Monoculture
I hope you had a nice Father’s Day guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) (15,16) and PDE V is thephysiological reason to indicate sildenafil exerts a direct what is cialis. patients with hyperprolactinemia seems to piÃ1 to be…
The Seeming Banality
Besides, this Bland, the master-at-arms, was no vulgar, dirty knave. In him—to modify Burke’s phrase—vice seemed, but only seemed, to lose half its seeming evil by losing all its apparent grossness. (Melville, White Jacket) No doubt…
A Gospel Truth
It’s nothing new, but we must keep these things in front of us…recall when we found out that the US Military had infused (was it already) Christian War Theology as a way to influence (brainwash)…
I placed a jarhead in afghanistan
In Stevens’ poem “Anecdote of the Jar” we are given a figuration of the way mind creates order but further of the way mind allows the rules of order to imprison our perception and limit…
Derivative Dystopias, Or Versions of America
From “Fired for Wearing the Wrong Color Shirt: The Scary Truth About Our Lack of Workplace Protections,” On March 16, at least 14 employees of the Elizabeth R. Wellborn law firm, located in Deerfield Beach,…
De Sade In the Hizzle and Fizzle
Huxley, author of A Brave New World, to Orwell, author of 1984. The twin totalitarian fictions of the last century. Which is being realized? Well, my take: We have been living in Huxley’s world since…