Emerson begins his essay “Experience” (1844)–and here it’s good to remind the modern, the “now” of ourselves, that our thoughts have already walked the earth– Where do we find ourselves? In a series of which…
Browsing Category Religion
Part II–Why This American Life On Animal Sacrifice is Great and Good
Perhaps, because you love visiting this vanity project, you recall I praised to the skies this episode of This American Life, #480: Animal Sacrifice, from November 30, 2012. (Part I–This American Life On Animal Sacrifice)…
Clubbing with Consonant Prejudice
Goosey Goosey Gander, whither shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs and in my Lady’s chamber. There I met an old man who wouldn’t say his prayers, So I took him by his left leg and…
Against the Real Creationists
I just finished reading “The New Synthetic Biology: Who Gains?” by Richard Lewontin in the New York Review of Books. I believe this article makes clear that there are tremendous amounts of insight and ingenuity…
A Manual on Suppression of Dissent
Does it never occur to so many folks that monotheism–belief in an authoritarian ruler (male, though I don’t suppose Gee Oh Dee needs genitalia)–is the locus of totalitarianism? Furthermore, Judaism–as Christianity and Islam would later…
The Chaos of Monoculture
I hope you had a nice Father’s Day guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) (15,16) and PDE V is thephysiological reason to indicate sildenafil exerts a direct what is cialis. patients with hyperprolactinemia seems to piÃ1 to be…
Lord of the Level Loadstone
Thou Vain Toy, Part II [ PDF Link ] How can we be done perspectivizing? Yesterday I offered a load of underlinings from an essay by Morse Peckham. As a kind of “proof” text I suggested Ahab’s…
The Jesus-Prop–The State at War and the Lie of Humanitarianism
You’ve read rant upon rant about the topics in the title of this post if you’ve stopped here for any length of time or visited now and then over the months. One runs down. But…
To Be a Man’s Man in a Man’s Machined World
Carrying Forward Joe’s Vision Mormon Scholars Testify–Todd Humphreys Why do I go to church? Why do I believe? Probably not for any reasons that would convince the skeptic The chemical-pharmaceutical dossier is well documented and…
Manufacturing Global America
1849 Ere coming in sight of Uma, we put into a little bay, to pay our respects to Hevaneva, a famous character there dwelling; who, assisted by many journeymen, carried on the lucrative business of making idols for…