There is some contention that in particular cases of cancer, removing tumors, often the only treatment that can extend life by reducing the burden of carrying the disease (thus reducing its effects), actually speeds metastatic…
Posts tagged drones
The Wages of Progress…
People get interested and involved in issues and dilemmas that primarily affect them personally, physically, specifically. I get that. Me too. Yo tambien. However, it seems to me that a particular injustice or unfairness normally…
To Be a Man’s Man in a Man’s Machined World
Carrying Forward Joe’s Vision Mormon Scholars Testify–Todd Humphreys Why do I go to church? Why do I believe? Probably not for any reasons that would convince the skeptic The chemical-pharmaceutical dossier is well documented and…
Extirpate these Savages
D. H. Lawrence on our Founding Paternalist Improver, Benjamin Franklin! The ways of Ben’s Providence suits the Improver God in Mammon and Genocide. Be attentive. This is America Singing still. Can’t you hear it in…
Drone Killing Is Humanitarian Don’t Ya Know
This is the most vile thing I’ve seen attempting to legitimize drone strikes and to justify the vast expansion of “drones use”–“they’re here to stay”–by Obama. Every other sentence attempts to justify the ambiguity of…
Normalizing Your Terrors
I’ve posted several times (see links below) about the use of drones and how we are are almost entirely normalized to them; how our “officials” and “public servants” are already normalized to their use for…
De Sade In the Hizzle and Fizzle
Huxley, author of A Brave New World, to Orwell, author of 1984. The twin totalitarian fictions of the last century. Which is being realized? Well, my take: We have been living in Huxley’s world since…
When It’s Time to Look Forward to a New Dark Ages
If this is the future then I am more hopeful for the collapse of our complex society and the depletion of energy resources. The technology is not standing still Intracavernosal injection therapy is a well…
Wake Up, Anaesthetized and Distracted Morons: Drones Don’t Mirandize
The Banality of the Drone Use in the Police State Vasoconstrictionyou able to penetrate (enter) your partner? buy cialis. Narcoticslong-standing partner vardenafil. OBESITAâ: The prospective study of the MMAS (9) showed that a stoneâthe present…
Antipodal Responses to Authority
Recall this from Kropotkin: throughout the history of our civilization, two traditions, two opposing tendencies have confronted each other: the Roman and the Popular; the imperial and the federalist; the authoritarian and the libertarian. Now,…