The following is a revised version of an article which appeared at the Common Errant in July 2012. I have re-written it for my upcoming book, Hoosier School Heist, which will be released in December. …
Browsing Category Government
Iniquitous Airy Abstraction, or The Lawyer’s Truth
Having neither the wherewithal nor the erudition (nor the patience, nor expectation of readership) to craft a cogent article on the fact that Western civilization as represented by governments and ideologies serving “manifest destiny” as…
The Fiscal Freedom to Inculcate Evil
The following snippet is from a piece by Andrew Leonard on the SCOTUS ruling striking down the Montana Supreme Court decision to limit political contributions (in the teeth of Citizens United). It’s a clear loss…
Tenure’s Just Another Word for Liberty, So Dump It!
Paul Thomas today at Schools Matter: K-12 Teaching: A Service Industry At The New Republic, “Making the Grade” poses this about the difference between college professors (notice that term “professor,” as in “one who professes”)…
Off the Wall: Educating Tomorrow’s Paradigm Today
Today, while checking the jobs board at my local school district I noticed a new position (new to me). Here it is: Digital Learning Coach: Coach serves as part of multiple educational teams, providing job-imbedded…
I-Read 3 in Indiana: Intentional Social Segregation?
What can one objectively say when faced with the information that fully one quarter of the 3rd grade students who attend an IPS school failed the state-mandated I-Read 3 exam? WTHR reported exactly that yesterday….
Derivative Dystopias, Or Versions of America
From “Fired for Wearing the Wrong Color Shirt: The Scary Truth About Our Lack of Workplace Protections,” On March 16, at least 14 employees of the Elizabeth R. Wellborn law firm, located in Deerfield Beach,…
Upon Examination: The Many and Few Against Liberty
Widespread ignorance bordering on idiocy is our new national goal. It’s no use pretending otherwise and telling us, as Thomas Friedman did in the Times a few days ago, that educated people are the nation’s…
Send Lee Hamilton To Jail!
Or, Let the People’s Representative of the Cage Represent Them From the Cage. Here is a fact: Lee Hamilton of Bloomington, Indiana, former member of Congress for 34 years, former head of the Woodrow Wilson…
De Sade In the Hizzle and Fizzle
Huxley, author of A Brave New World, to Orwell, author of 1984. The twin totalitarian fictions of the last century. Which is being realized? Well, my take: We have been living in Huxley’s world since…