As my friend began reading William Morris’s News From Nowhere, or, An Epic of Rest, I thought I might take that journey too–and the existence of an audio recording guaranteed it in the British Medical…
Browsing Category Arts
Sierpinski Schmierpinski – On What the Writer Intends
The below is from the radio program “Bookworm” (4/11/96) with Michael Silverblatt. It is an interview with David Foster Wallace about Infinite Jest and this snippet focuses on the structure of the novel (and the…
The Tyranny of Technological Replication
I’m never sure how I can defend a critique against technology–it seems as though we have gained so much. And whenever I rant against drones or iPads (or the very device upon which I’m pecking)…
It Plays You: Mingus on Electric Instruments
Selections from a Charles Mingus interview from February 1972, in Mingus Speaks, by John F. Goodman Sildenafil, by inhibiting PDE5, prevents this breakdown and thus enhances the induced erectile response. buy tadalafil another treatment intervention…
**UPDATED**In Contradiction Against Itself: The CIA and The Government
UPDATED: 5/21 [I’ve added one example of Slahi’s book as an illustration of the Report on Torture–there are many others I may add later.] Last night on Interchange (The State of Terror: Guantanamo Diary) the…
If You Really Want to Know the Truth: Salinger’s Influence on Mohamedou Ould Slahi
I am reading Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Guantánamo Diary. Well, actually, listening to it. You can find out a lot about it at The Guardian website dedicated to it. Something I heard and noticed I have…
Druid Hill, 1969
I’ve known Dean Smith for over twenty years. Dean gave me his book of poetry American Boy upon its being published…I loved “Druid Hill, 1969” immediately and took to to say so. What I…
In the Heart or In the Head
Andrew Bird’s “Darkmatter,” a riff on a song from The Merchant of Venice. Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart, or in the head? How begot, how nourished? Reply, reply usually between…
All Over Lost
I am nearly 47. I am very old and extremely ignorant of what has meaning to so many people these days. This piece in The New York Times by Leon Wieseltier (h/t Colin Allen), Among…
Immeasurably the Most Important Book of Poetry
CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING “KORA IN HELL” by Robert McAlmon [Williams reprinted Kora in Hell: Improvisations in 1957 without the Prologue than halfAlthough normal aging can result in a decline in sexual cheap cialis. erogeno, nà transform in erogeno…