Does your tribe trust the killer-in-chief? From Gawker…go there, watch the video, and, if you please, come back. Ask the DNC: Is Romney Ready for the Kill List? John Cook As you may have heard…
Browsing Category Politics
Addendum: Intruding Quantification Where It Has No Place
The question of whether politics can in fact be studied like the natural sciences is bewildering; it involves questions of free will and determinism, the nature of human action as distinct from animal behavior, the…
Studied Corruption
For some weeks (months?) my mind has not been very focused. Rather, perhaps, I do not know how to speak of a right or a wrong when they are so plainly intermixed in our dailiness. …
Calling the Police or Pointing the Gun
Or, If your white and wealthy, do both. Then call your lawyer. Political Science Prof Corey Robin, author of The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin, on C-SPAN’s After Words with S.E. Cupp….
A Society Which Ought Not To Exist
“Society ought not to exist, if not for the benefit of the whole. It is and must be against the law of nature, if it exist for the benefit of the few and for the…
Out of State Campaign Contributions
Here is one problem among many in males with a stoneâs advance âage . Recent research has demonstrated – In animals from the experiment the DE precedes the appearance of the copyrightedhyper- cialis surgery or…
United in Dissent: A Platform Against Corporate Technocracy
This is a skeleton key. Please use it; if for nothing else but to open up to this author the errors of his thinking. It is a beginning, but in urgency. “Going Local” is an…
Betrayal Merits the Deepest Pit: John Gregg Supported by Corporate Ed Reform Funders
Doug Martin offers an open letter to Indiana gubernatorial candidate John Gregg. Calling himself a democrat–what we might now call the Secular Corporate Party if we’re trying to “define terms” (for you bobby v)–Gregg is…
The Flavors of Our Mindless Totality
Okay, here’s what we now have for political parties. I base this on the two things I’m most aware of: the privatization movement in education (long-standing but now on the brink of take-over) and our…
Parent Revolution: Not Your Parents, Not a Revolution
INDIANA CORPORATE SCHOOL UPDATES FOR JANUARY 22, 2012 Once again, ISTA’s Nate Schnellenberger wishy-washes around fighting off the Indiana corporate school reformers, this time in response to the fake parent trigger bill. Nate says “We think…