If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers. Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow It’s that simple really. All we do now is ask the wrong questions and…
Posts tagged school board
Occupy Common Core Standards: Butchering and Packaging Kids for Global Capital
This is actually pretty simple to see and realize: the ruse called education reform is being legitimized from the top down by offering a “veneer” of scholarly research and governmental agreement alongside the “scare tactics”…
Occupy School Reform: Against Stealing Our Public Schools
I don’t know how to tell you this; we’re getting our asses handed to us on a platter. By we, I mean those of us who are against the corporate school reform movement. My friend…
DeMuth to School Board: Don’t meet so much!
In today’s HT Bethany Nolan reports that the MCCSC School Board will reduce their public meetings to once a month, down from twice. Throughout it seems clear that this is the decision of the new…