To be read as postscript to “The Factory Store.” The Future (and Past) is Yours, Young Women! Brought to you by the Cook Group, owners of Bloomington, Indiana, and Ivy Tech, Cook’s publicly subsidized employee…
Browsing Category Education
Tech is Production is Revenue is Education Reform
Western Mind is dominated by the Visual. Tech is Visual. Current School Reform is Technological. Educational Technology is Visual. Educational Technology is a Product. The product is digital electronic. It is a capital production. It…
The Logic of Technagogy
Our advances in technology offer what we might call short-cuts to thinking and doing. The logic of technagogy might be stated thus: the more technology we use in elementary and secondary schools the less the…
Studied Corruption
For some weeks (months?) my mind has not been very focused. Rather, perhaps, I do not know how to speak of a right or a wrong when they are so plainly intermixed in our dailiness. …
A Little Ditty ‘Bout Jeb and Patty: Bush Ed Lobby Director Levesque Hearts Tony Bennett
Editor’s note–this is especially compelling coming on the heels of the I-Read 3 results (see the last “success” listed for TB below). FROM: Doug Martin TO: Indiana Select Commission on Education Dear Indiana Select Commission…
I-Read 3 in Indiana: Intentional Social Segregation?
What can one objectively say when faced with the information that fully one quarter of the 3rd grade students who attend an IPS school failed the state-mandated I-Read 3 exam? WTHR reported exactly that yesterday….
The Unexceptional, Unsurprising Success of America’s Bully Class
Here is a paragraph from’s Andrew O’Hehir on the MPAA’s choice to rate the documentary about school bullying “R” and thus limit and restrict access to the kids who already live worse lives than…
You Are What You Eat
You remember the 70s PSA “Time for Timer?” No? C’mon! How old are you? I still sing them to myself, but mostly the one about cheese: the lyric “I hanker for a hunk of cheese”…
Desertification, or Living Nowhere
Here are things I cannot change that make me angry and perhaps you might share a similar list: War; anything that is war dressed up under other terms; fraud; exclusionary self-interest; that same interest commended…
If Not Equality, then Broad’s Advantage
Eli Broad, Billionaire Gift Giver (Strings Attached) of the Broad Foundation, made a clear statement of what schools are for in 2008: Those of us who come from the world of business understand what is…