Editor’s note: Doug Martin’s work supplies a kind of corrective to the simple “top-line” story and understanding of the education reform movement. It can be understood to be “about” management and assessment to enforce a…
Posts tagged right wing
Freedom really is just another word for nothing left to lose.
Welcome to Freedom-land. Seriously, think about it. The world’s greatest power has increased its own poverty levels to where full 1/3 of the population lives in this state. Many of us commoners believe the state…
Chastening Dissent: The Vulgarity of the Commoners
I’m sure you’ve seen the news that a teen tweeted her opinion that the Gov of Kansas “sucked,” including a hashtag #heblowsalot, but if not, here’s a news report from CNN, “Kansas governor apologizes for…
Counter-Balancing Propaganda–Does It Matter?
If, as our bleeding edge neuroscience computer-techs tell us, we are prone to believe in one or another political morality without need of empirical evidence, which might be called, in a simplified manner, the tribe…
Framing the Family: No Moms Allowed
I’ll be honest, I feel somewhat in denial. Perhaps it’s a stage in a kind of intellectual grief. If, as I wrote yesterday, our politics is a “play of frames”–a “turning on” of certain metaphoric…