The militarization of life requires a binary mind, one prepared by ignorance for fascism. Black and white. Good and Evil. Us and Them. Terrorism and Patriotism Mine (Not Yours). This is the mind grown thoughtless…
Posts tagged religion
The Jesus-Prop–The State at War and the Lie of Humanitarianism
You’ve read rant upon rant about the topics in the title of this post if you’ve stopped here for any length of time or visited now and then over the months. One runs down. But…
The Seeming Banality
Besides, this Bland, the master-at-arms, was no vulgar, dirty knave. In him—to modify Burke’s phrase—vice seemed, but only seemed, to lose half its seeming evil by losing all its apparent grossness. (Melville, White Jacket) No doubt…
A Gospel Truth
It’s nothing new, but we must keep these things in front of us…recall when we found out that the US Military had infused (was it already) Christian War Theology as a way to influence (brainwash)…
Breaching the Sound
erectile dysfunction and 252 with normal erectile function. It has been confirmed lâassociation• Arrange initial follow-up to assess efficacy of therapy and tolerability of patient to cialis without prescription. Erectile Dysfunction is a symptom based…
The Money Virtue As American Rational Religion
The most virtuous and honest character in Dickens’ Hard Times, Stephen Blackpool, often confronts the confusion, ambiguity, paradox, and unfairness of “interests” with an aggrieved and exasperated cry that “it’s all such a muddle.” Even…
Walking and Talking: Wilco’s One Sunday Morning
Yesterday, Wednesday morning, I walked the dogs, as usual, uphill on 1st street (east) around 8 a.m. It seemed a perfect morning. A chill air balanced by a warming sun; a blue sky with long…
Hate and Death and Education: Or, D. H. Lawrence in Love
Some time ago I posted that men, on the whole, hate women. I meant that. I meant it in this way, from D. H. Lawrence who was a good hater, in Women in Love. But…
Master and Commander: Can a Mormon Be Man Enough for the Murder Machine?
Today I opened my morning paper to discover a very large headline in the “Neighbors/Religion” section (we don’t have time to discuss this formatting decision, focus!): “Would Monroe County vote for a Mormon?” This was…
Politics + Interest = Liberty?
Can you discover your own mind in the below from George Eliot and D. H. Lawrence. I’m pretty sure we’re all in there somewhere. From Chapter 51 of Middlemarch. Politics and self-interest in 1871 and…