Derivatives and Drones–are they distinguishable? Anti-Empathy Education focused on screened presence. CEO and CIA: Barker and Huckster at home and abroad. Institutions of Debt Creation insulate consequences from those who make them happen. Absolution by…
Posts tagged murder
Drone Killing Is Humanitarian Don’t Ya Know
This is the most vile thing I’ve seen attempting to legitimize drone strikes and to justify the vast expansion of “drones use”–“they’re here to stay”–by Obama. Every other sentence attempts to justify the ambiguity of…
The Unambiguous Ethic of Power
The “framing text” is a section from Simone de Beauvior’s 1947 book The Ethics of Ambiguity, “The Antinomies of Action”. Indented, intrusive text is Errant and clearly labeled. *** As we have seen, if the…