A well-known line from a well-known poem by W. H. Auden is “…poetry makes nothing happen.” It comes in section two of “In Memory of W. B Healthy elderly subjects (65-81 years) showed a statistically…
Posts tagged eliot weinberger
A Manual on Suppression of Dissent
Does it never occur to so many folks that monotheism–belief in an authoritarian ruler (male, though I don’t suppose Gee Oh Dee needs genitalia)–is the locus of totalitarianism? Furthermore, Judaism–as Christianity and Islam would later…
Sounding Texts: My American Literature
A further edit upon “My Favorite Book.” It grows. A friend asked me recently to name a favorite book. This is nearly impossible to me as I rarely find whole books satisfying throughout and prefer…
Not My Favorite Book
Updated and revised (4/18, 11:29 a.m.) Another version of “My Favorite Book.” Not My Favorite Book A favorite book? I don’t have one. To be sure, you might ask tomorrow and get a different response. …
Seeking the Safety of Certainty: Totalitarian Minds in Religion and Science
Guiding my thinking is the very clear recognition that I am nearly always a partialist who at times spouts a partialism that upon reflection seems a tad embarrassing. I know some things fairly well in…
The Art of Remembering and the Act of Forgetting
Alice Walmart is buying Art to put into her Alice Dollhouse. The wealthy, the rulers, used to commission art not just buy it. I guess the only “art” that is commissioned anymore is the…