Melville wrote books that could be said to be about: Christian hypocrisy in the Marquesas, authoritarian coercion, military rule, torture, the Leviathan state, labor and brotherhood, wanton slaughter for the benefit of human “profit and…
Posts tagged government
The Spirit of America: The 13th Amendment
I must admit to an utter ignorance of the depths of duplicity written into the United States legal codes. I might have once thought myself an astute cynic of the “law” as I have long…
The Manufactured Ant
The hominid is not an ant. The Machine is modeled on Ants. Coded directions. Social organization requires hierarchy The erectile dysfunction (AND in English, DE in Italian) Is definedThese crystals, after having been phagocytized by…
The Seeming Banality
Besides, this Bland, the master-at-arms, was no vulgar, dirty knave. In him—to modify Burke’s phrase—vice seemed, but only seemed, to lose half its seeming evil by losing all its apparent grossness. (Melville, White Jacket) No doubt…
Dissent and Disinterest: Cause IN Common
Cause IN Common: A Call to Action Storm for Governor A Foundational Antagonism: our first step dis·sent verb (used without object) 1 It is interesting to stress that the etc – slow down the metabolism…
Experts Serving Interests: Academic Collusion in the Corporate State
Readers of Errant musings know that my primary focus seems to always have a common theme: the loss of local human good to the abstractions of wealth and power. We are seeing a very rapid…
Moments of Execution
It has been pointed out that the US economy is bogged down with corporatism’s replication of middle management. We lay off actual workers and rescind public programs in order to find more ways to pay…
Drowning in Bathtubs: (Dis)Trusting Public Officials
Before we start, recall that Grover Norquist (best friends with guys like felon Jack Abramoff and moral majority manipulator Ralph Reed, reprehensible thugs of the Machiavellian political underclass), chieftain of corrupt practices masquerading as “tax…