Today, while checking the jobs board at my local school district I noticed a new position (new to me). Here it is: Digital Learning Coach: Coach serves as part of multiple educational teams, providing job-imbedded…
Posts tagged democracy now
Fronting Intervention: Using Invisible Children to Sell War to Children
You know, don’t you, that you have to invite vampires into your home or they are not capable of entering, or better, they are forbidden to enter by some kind of law that governs the…
“Stick ’em Up!” US and IMF Policies Explained
I just started reading David Graeber’s new book, Debt: The First 5000 Years and I’d like to keep you apprised as I go. I heard Graeber via a podcast and then saw an interview with…
Occupy the DOE: New York’s Panel on Educational Policy is Occupied
**Update Below: Local School Board elections also “Wall Street”. (h/t to B-town resident and friend Angela) A friend tagged me in a Facebook post about an “Occupy” event in New York. It was beautiful. Here’s…