Coleman’s Nihilistic Pedagogy Morse Peckham’s non-final Answer The Instability of “Meaning” GOP Rep. Dr. Paul Broun (GA) offers an example asserting a “Young Earth” Answer Jim’s goodness as answer to all of this (Huckleberry Finn)…
Posts tagged david coleman
Educating Business Ethics
The population of the US seems to be experiencing a kind of national awakening regarding the harsh and endemic inequalities of our “Us vs Them” economic reality. Though it seems possible that our bail-out and…
Occupy Common Core Standards: Butchering and Packaging Kids for Global Capital
This is actually pretty simple to see and realize: the ruse called education reform is being legitimized from the top down by offering a “veneer” of scholarly research and governmental agreement alongside the “scare tactics”…
Occupy the DOE: New York’s Panel on Educational Policy is Occupied
**Update Below: Local School Board elections also “Wall Street”. (h/t to B-town resident and friend Angela) A friend tagged me in a Facebook post about an “Occupy” event in New York. It was beautiful. Here’s…