Standard Operating Procedure for Nationalist Racism

In a new “race report” from the UK there is this statement in the report’s forward written by the chair of the commission.

The ‘Making of Modern Britain’ teaching resource is our response to negative calls for ‘decolonising’ the curriculum. Neither the banning of White authors or token expressions of Black achievement will help to broaden young minds. We have argued against bringing down statues, instead, we want all children to reclaim their British heritage. We want to create a teaching resource that looks at the influence of the UK, particularly during the Empire period

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. We want to see how Britishness influenced the Commonwealth and local communities, and how the Commonwealth and local communities influenced what we now know as modern Britain. One great example would be a dictionary or lexicon of well known British words which are Indian in origin. There is a new story about the Caribbean experience which speaks to the slave period not only being about profit and suffering but how culturally African people transformed themselves into a re-modelled African/Britain.

I haven’t read this report, nor will I. However, this particular quote is something of an SOP (there are many of these) – this one is akin to the “slaves really were better off than you think.”

See the 1974 book by future Nobel economist, Robert Fogel (w/Stanley Engerman), Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery , in which he wrote: “[S]lave owners expropriated far less than generally presumed, and over the course of a lifetime a slave field hand received approximately ninety percent of the income produced.”

That’s just one example from a book that purported to “show” how slavery just wasn’t that bad using “empirical” data. It was “LOVED” by the media and reactionaries. Historians were quick to show how flawed it was – notably Herb Gutman who wrote a whole book in critique – Slavery by the Numbers – that was published the very next year.

You can hear about this in an Interchange conversation with historian Bruce Levine whose new book is Thaddeus Stevens: Civil War Revolutionary, Fighter for Racial Justice. That show is Pushing Lincoln Left, with music from Charles Ives – compositions that are often “patriotic” but seek to undermine the single idea of “patriotism.”

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