In Greece in the mid-90s when I was there, plumbing lacked pressure and one could not as a rule flush tissue paper. Because of this the bidet was common. Paper was for drying, not for…
Posts tagged reading
Facilitating First Impressions: Education and theTechnological Teat
A book will “drop” at the end of the month called “Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World,”. At the link is a brief interview with the author where he makes one point that…
In the Midst of Apocalypse: Tom Friedman Is a Weathercock of Irrelevance
Look, no listen, no hear… The world is riven. More and more we strike epiphanic notes. Aha, the world is run by the few at the expense of the many. Aha, utility privileges the few…
Reading Is (and Is Not) Power
Historically, reading is power. Rather, reading was an activity limited to those in power. The Catholic Church refused to allow the Bible to be translated from the Latin (a Power language of the church) to…
Human Potential, Time Discipline and Post-Edenic Mind
There is only rendering, the rendered, upon which there is thought. This is the basis of our understanding of mind. Ruskin, Freud, Proust…Bernays, Goebbels, Gossage and so on. In one sense there is an undiscovered…
How to Blind Justice
Greenwald’s new book (With Liberty and Justice for Some) arrived yesterday. As is my, er, usual practice, I repaired to the water closet for a prefatory inspection. I will offer the full amount of the…