NOTE: A small section of this article originally mistook the KIPP Indy school with KIPP’s school in Gary. This has been corrected. UPDATE: As this Doug Martin story broke, word came down that a federal…
Posts Published by Doug Martin
Buying Mayor Ballard: More Truth About the Project School Closing
In my last piece, The Truth about the Project School Closing: The Indiana Corporate School Complex,” I noted how Indy mayor Greg Ballard was promoting a school privatizing movement full of crony capitalism, propaganda, and…
The Truth Behind The Project School Closing: The Indiana Corporate School Complex
(Below is Doug Martin’s in-depth look into the corporate forces in Indianapolis working to keep true community-led charter schools from operating. Please sign the petition to “Save The Project School.”) On July 17, Indianapolis mayor…
Extreme Thinking Errors: Tough-Love Christian Boarding Schools and the Indiana Department of Child Services
The following is a revised version of an article which appeared at the Common Errant in July 2012. I have re-written it for my upcoming book, Hoosier School Heist, which will be released in December. …
In the City of Corporate Love and Beyond: The Boston Consulting Group, Gates, and the Filthy Rich
When the Michelle Rhee/Betsy Devos-endorsed Pennsylvania governor, Tom Corbett, slashed $1.1 billion in educational funding over the last two years, he was merely continuing the disaster capitalism agenda against Philadelphia schools which began in 1998,…
Teaching as CIA Cover–Gülen Charter Schools, Dan Burton, and State Secrets
The following continues Doug Martin’s look into the Gülen charter school movement, which began with Islam and the Free Market of Privatized Education: “Friending” the Gülen Charter Schools. Besides noting U.S. charter school connections to…
Islam and the Free Market of Privatized Education: “Friending” the Gülen Charter Schools
[Sit back and feast on this cornucopia of “insider-trading” in Indiana Education. Is it just me or is there just an odd linguistic “reality” called forth in this partnership? “Indian(a)” and “Turkey” equals an (immigrant)…
A Little Ditty ‘Bout Jeb and Patty: Bush Ed Lobby Director Levesque Hearts Tony Bennett
Editor’s note–this is especially compelling coming on the heels of the I-Read 3 results (see the last “success” listed for TB below). FROM: Doug Martin TO: Indiana Select Commission on Education Dear Indiana Select Commission…
Libertarian Charter School Indianapolis
NOTE: This is Doug Martin’s follow-up investigation into Indianapolis charter schools. For background on this story, please see his “Warren Buffett and Corporate School Reformers to Gentrify/Charterize Indianapolis and Other Cities.” If anyone has any inside…
Corporate Foxes in the IN DOE Henhouse: The Chain School Gospel of Jeb Bush, Jon Hage and WalMart
When the Indiana Charter School Board recently approved two new Charter Schools USA schools to open in Indianapolis, the corporate school honeymoon was on. The East Indianapolis Charter Academy and the South Indianapolis Charter Academy,…