Betrayal Merits the Deepest Pit: John Gregg Supported by Corporate Ed Reform Funders

Photo John Gregg

Doug Martin offers an open letter to Indiana gubernatorial candidate John Gregg.  Calling himself a democrat–what we might now call the Secular Corporate Party if we’re trying to “define terms” (for you bobby v)–Gregg is apparently only the puppet in place to suck up whatever votes Mike Pence won’t get.  I mean elections have to look fair, right?  And in one sense they are.  Your vote will be counted.  And you have two actual people (two!  So many choices!) to decide between.  But as Gregg’s supporters make clear, just as Obama’s massive Wall Street contributions made clear, there is no option.  One Party, Under One God, Made Corporeal through the will of his officers on Earth in the Corporation who manage the Holy Mysteries of Markets.

Feel free to copy and paste the below and send directly to Gregg, to the DFER offices, to your local newspaper. See the email contact info following Doug Martin’s letter.

Fight in your backyard first, people.  Go talk to someone about this in person. 



Dear John R. Gregg:

We’ve had enough of the corporate school hedge fund managers at the Democrats for Education Reform, and we feel it is in your best interest to return their donations to your campaign for Indiana governor and to refuse any contributions raised through the appropriately named Act Blue website they have set up for you, their national corporate school reformer for the month of January.

Besides the $1,000 DFER December gift to you, we also request that you return the money from Karen Grau, wife of Indiana DFER mammon propagandist, Larry Grau. Additionally, in your next campaign records, we expect to see donations from the Eli Lilly/Mind Trust’s Bart Peterson as having been returned. The same goes for the $10,000 from charter school owner Christel DeHaan and Wall Street Democrat Mary Ann Sullivan’s donations.

According to the DFER website, you are working closely with the hedge fund group to thrust their corporate ed. agenda. This is highly insulting, especially since many teachers have donated hard-working cash to your campaign.  These educators have been demonized and desperately stressed by the same school privatization regime you have deceitfully jumped in bed with. Parents have also unknowingly given to your anti-parent campaign, and I know from my research into the DFER that the hedge fund money for you is just now beginning.  The small amounts listed above are nothing compared to what the DFER will be slipping your way, since now they have adopted you as kin.  We suggest you cancel all future funds from and ties to the DFER.

As you know, the DFER are fond of throwing cocktail/dough-raising splurges for sell-outs like Barack Obama, Bart Peterson, and others who support privatizing the public schools by handing the keys over to for-profit management companies which prey on poor kids, hire rich TFA scabs, scheme with others to bulldoze down and kick people from low-income housing, and rebuild a completely privatized neighborhood using Bill Clinton’s New Market Tax Credits and other government handouts. They do  not belong in the Hoosier state.

Whereas we support the majority of Indiana state Democrats, we suggest the DFER hedge fund mangers like Whitney (I Love KIPP-Indy) Tilson read some real books for a change, since through their uninspiring education and warped worldview they have failed to “get it” that today neuroscientists, psychologists, and evolutionary linguists know that we humans use mirror neurons to feel each other’s suffering, that compassion plays a much larger developmental role in our species than the neoliberals/Friedmanites will ever admit, and that without trust we would have no language.

It is time for the Wall Street psychopathy, the monetization of childhood, and the legalized land/school/housing/tax grabs for the rich to end

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. We want a public school system which teaches kids how to detect the deception the oligarchs are selling, not one which teaches kids how to grow up and steal their former teachers’ pensions.

We eagerly look forward in analyzing your next campaign filings, Mr. Gregg, and letting teachers, union members, parents, senior citizens, and others in Indiana communities know what you decide.

Doug Martin

John Gregg’s complete campaign records for 2011 can be found in PDF here.


Gregg’s campaign email:

Rebecca Pearcey, Gregg’s campaign manager: 317-231-7102,

Gregg’s online email form:

Dan Parker, Indiana Party chairman (until his replacement is selected):

Indiana Democratic Party:

Larry Grau, head of Indiana Democrats for Education Reform:

Joe Williams, Executive Director, Democrats for Education Reform:


photo credit: John Gregg for Governor

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