As there is a movie staring Ralph Fiennes, or Voldemort to you youngsters, (who also directs) coming out based on Coriolanus I thought I’d share what is perhaps the greatest English essayist, William Hazlitt, on…
Posts tagged poetry
Logic is what he valued, and not metaphor…
Speaking out of Charles Simic’s mouth. Ask me in a hundred years. Aided by Augustine of Hippo (Sources below) The natural order, which would have peace amongst men, requires that the decision and power to…
Radiating from Our Senses, Pedagogically Yours
The poet May Swenson, in her preface to a selection of Tomas Transtromer poems she had translated into English, offers what might be the perfect vision for public education: Signals and responses radiating from our…
Nobel for Literature to the Transformers? No, that’s Transtromer!
*The “transformer” joke in this post’s title, if it can be called a joke, came at the insistence of “spell check” in WordPress. From the LA Times, Sweden Poet Tomas Transtromer Awarded Nobel Prize in…