In her new book, Being Numerous, published by Verso, Natasha Lennard offers “Essays on Non-Fascist Life.” It’s currently only $9.98. Here is the publisher description: Being Numerous shatters the mainstream consensus on politics and personhood,…
Posts tagged indiana university
WFHB’s Interchange: A Targeted Divide: Gunning Down the Bill of Rights
AUDIO: Gunning Down the Bill of Rights Today we begin a series of three programs on Guns in the USA we’re calling a A Targeted Divide. Our first show is “Gunning Down the Bill of…
Assume Forever-War: Thoughts After Viewing Wounds of Waziristan
There is some contention that in particular cases of cancer, removing tumors, often the only treatment that can extend life by reducing the burden of carrying the disease (thus reducing its effects), actually speeds metastatic…
Islam and the Free Market of Privatized Education: “Friending” the Gülen Charter Schools
[Sit back and feast on this cornucopia of “insider-trading” in Indiana Education. Is it just me or is there just an odd linguistic “reality” called forth in this partnership? “Indian(a)” and “Turkey” equals an (immigrant)…
Indiana Rape Statistics
Yesterday our local paper printed a piece on the fact that the CDC discovered that nearly 1 in 5 high school females in Indiana have been raped. “I was shocked at the 9-through-12 rate,” Heiman…
Girls Do Science!
Or, Learning Meaningless Utilities Today, via the local newspaper (Bloomington’s The Herald-Times), comes an illustration of the modern mind “on science.” My friend Monkeywrench is in my ear…slow down, find some common ground. It’s not…
“Can ponwyi”–The Grace of Gods by Force
In Acholi, a language of the Acholi people of Northern Uganda, “can ponwyi” literally translates as “disaster and poverty teach you.” (Allen, “Postscript: a kind of peace and an exported war,” 283)* This might put…
Antipodal Responses to Authority
Recall this from Kropotkin: throughout the history of our civilization, two traditions, two opposing tendencies have confronted each other: the Roman and the Popular; the imperial and the federalist; the authoritarian and the libertarian. Now,…
Higher Ed Privileges and Rewards Business Ed
I was looking at the HT database of salaries for Indiana University employees and discovered something interesting: a lot of people at IU make a lot of money. Nearly 1,000 employees make over $100,000.00 per…
The Game of Life: IU’s Newest HR Consultant
This morning, as I was reading the front page of the HT I overheard my kids and a friend playing “Life.” Someone landed on “you learn CPR,” and I grumbled to myself about just going through…